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Signs and Symptoms of Adenoiditis |
What is adenoiditis?
Adenoiditis is an inflammation and infection that occurs in adenoid, an enlarged lymphatic muscle group, located behind one nose and throat. Adenoditis often affects children.Like your tonsils, adenoid works as a filter, preventing germs from stepping on your body through the nose and mouth. Adenoid can only be seen with special devices. Adenoid shrinks as we grow up. When you are a teenager, they will often disappear. Because the task of adenoid is against bacteria, they can sometimes be overwhelmed and infected, resulting in inflammation of adenoiditis.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Adenoiditis?
The symptoms of adenoiditis are sore throat, runny nose, swollen glands in the neck, pain in the ear and respiratory problems like breathing through the mouth, talking through respiratory drainage, snoring, or temporary breathing problems while sleeping.There may be other phenomena not listed above. If we have any concerns about any phenomenon, please consult a doctor.
When should I check with a doctor?
If you feel the sign or phenomenon listed above or have questions, please consult your doctor. Each person's body has different reactions. The best way is to consult your doctor about what works best for your condition.What causes adenoiditis?
When you feel a sore throat, sometimes tonsils aka tonsils in your mouth can get infected. Adenoid that is located higher inside the mouth, behind the nose and the roof of the mouth, can also get infected. Bacteria that can cause adenoiditis is called streptococcus. However, adenoiditis can be caused by a number of viruses, classified as EpsteinBarr virus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus.This condition can create our breathing more difficult and lead to recurrent respiratory infections.
What adds my risk to adenoiditis?
There are a number of factors that create a person at risk for exposure to adenoids, including:- Recurrent throat, neck, or head infections
- Tonsil infection
- Contact with airborne viruses, germs, and bacteria
Children are very susceptible to adenoiditis. This is due to the adenoids being progressively smaller around the time of the children.
Medication & Treatment
The submitted information is not a substitute for medical advice. ALWAYS consult your doctor.How is adenoiditis diagnosed?
To diagnose this situation, the doctor will recommend:- Examination of the throat
- Blood test
- X-rays
- Test from otolaryngologist to do physical tests to understand where the infection occurred.
What are the cures for adenoiditis?
Most adenoiditis problems can be treated with antibiotics. However, if the infection is too frequent, or if the antibiotic does not work, or if our child has a respiratory problem, the formality of the surgery has the name ademoidectomy can be recommended to remove the adenoid. It is usually recommended also to operate the tonsils at the same time.During the procedure, the total anesthesia will be carried out and the adenoid (and tonsils) will be removed through the mouth without additional incisions. When adenoid does not require termination, you should not care about our child in the clinic or the location of the sick stay for about 5 hours to the extent that it can be easily monitored.
After adenoidectomy, patients often have low fever and sore throat, which can lead to breathing through the mouth. In addition, white scabs will often appear around the treated area. Most will automatically peel off after 10 days of surgery. It is important for your child not to peel them off yourself. Your child is desirable to have little blood spots on the nose or mouth. But if you look bright red blood spots or if your child feels a shrill, you should take our child to the location of the sick soon.
Treatment at home
What are the lifestyle evolutions or home-based healing that can be implemented to cope with adenoiditis?This lifestyle and home healing can help you cope with your health situation:
- Eat healthy foods
- Drinking little fluid
- Get enough sleep
- Doing hygienic business.
If you have any questions, consult your doctor for the best solution of your problem.
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